y a t'il quelqu'un qui utilise swingOSC pour coder supercollider, sous ubuntu ?
si oui ...peut il m'indiquer comment connecter les deux entitées (SC et SwingOsc) ?
j'édite sc avec gedit et dans le menu j'ai la possibilité de demarrer le seveur swing osc mais un message d'erreur s'affiche
init_OSC compiling class library.. NumPrimitives = 526 compiling dir: '/usr/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary' compiling dir: '/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions' pass 1 done ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCDragView' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCEnvelopeView' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCMovieView' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCNumberBox' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCPopUpMenu' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCSoundFileView' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCTextView' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCUserView' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'SCWindow' In file:'/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC/extCocoaCompat.sc' numentries = 808910 / 10874400 = 0.074 Method Table Size 6060360 bytes Number of Method Selectors 4728 Number of Classes 2300 big table size 43497600 Number of Symbols 11021 Byte Code Size 346327 compiled 377 files in 2.25 seconds compile done Could not connect socket Couldn't set realtime scheduling priority 1: Operation not permitted // History.logFolder: /home/tom/share/SuperCollider/HistoryLogs LID: event loop started RESULT = 0 file "/home/tom/share/SuperCollider/GeneralHIDSpecs/allspecs.info" does not exist. Class tree inited in 0.21 seconds StartUp done. Welcome to SuperCollider, for help type ctrl-c ctrl-h (Emacs) or :SChelp (vim) Couldn't set realtime scheduling priority 1: Operation not permitted SwingGUI booting java -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -jar SwingOSC.jar -t 57111 -L -i -h Could not connect socket Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from SwingOSC.jar Could not connect socket RESULT = 1 Could not connect socket Could not connect socket Could not connect socket Could not connect socket Could not connect socket /quit sent a SwingOSC
a noter qu'il doit me manquer des classe qui n'arrivent pas à etre étendue par swingosc...
merci pour toute aides
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est-ce que tu es passé par
http://artfwo.blogspot.com/2008/05/supe … eings.html (entre autres le second post en pied de page)
et par
http://www.nabble.com/swingOSC-installa … 49005.html
ou nescivi écrit:
citation :
So I use the line
= "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java -Xmx64m -jar /home/nescivi/Downloads/SwingOSC/build/SwingOSC.jar";
in .sclang.sc (the supercollider startup file), to make sure that SwingOSC is
started with the right java version.
Dernière modification par oli44 (2008-11-26 00:37:26)
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Apparemment, je suis parvenu à lancer le server SwingOSC, même si je ne vois aucun GUI, en tout cas il ne mets pas de message d'erreur.
La méthode utilisé:
j'ai installé le paquet compilé par artfwo, j'ai installé les Libraireis aux bons endroits comme indiqués:
citation :
You can install SwingOSC very quickly as well by copying the contents of SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary directory from SwingOSC-0.60.zip to:
(You'll get /usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/SwingOSC)
Copy the "Help" directory to the Extensions folder as well, if you need interactive help.
Ensuite j'ai copié SwingOSC.jar dans le même répertoire que mon fichier theremin.sc :-), à partir du quel j'ai lancé gedit en ligne de commande.
cd ~/sc3/ gedit theremin.sc
Pour le reste, j'ai tout lancé à la souris.
Sur ce bonne nuit
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