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#61 2019-12-05 19:43:58 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

"The sound of Pi" is based on pitch classes, musical set theory, and the first 400~ digits of pi.
The 400 digits are split into 8 parts, 0-49, 50-100 etc... Each 'part' contains 50 pieces of pi (lol). For example, the first 'part' contains the first 50 (0-49) digits of pi.

For every part there is an oscillator. The oscillator takes the numbers in its part (if it were the first oscillator the numbers would be 3141592...) and outputs each one as a semitone distance from our chosen root note of C. So if it's currently playing 1, it's playing Db (Because Db is 1 semitone from C). If it were 3, it'd be Eb (3 semitones). If I'm explaining it badly, look up pitch classes because that's what this is.

Each note is 'slid' up to ('glissando' if you want to be fancy) and then, once it's been sliding to that note for 60 seconds, it goes to the next one. Since each
oscillator will be playing 50 notes, this means the song will run for 50 minutes. You're welcome.

Some things to note:
- The numbers in pi can only really go up to 9. If you were given this number: 3141592, you have no idea where the next number is, so I opted to clamp it down to less than 10. That means that 3141592 becomes 7 separate numbers - [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2]

- The numbers going up to 9 means our note range is restricted from C to A (9 semitones above C). With some other data we could get a greater range if we wanted.

- The numbers themselves are useless without conversion so we add 60 (60 is middle C in MIDI) to them so that we can use them as MIDI notes. From there, they're converted from MIDI into audible frequencies. So altogether the conversion is: pi digit → MIDI → frequency.

I didn't actually learn much Pure Data on this one, apart from when it clicked with how to make notes slide into each other (hint, `line`). Still, the self-indulgence is real and there are some bits which sound nice on my ear. This came out of boredom and I guess in my subconscious I probably stole inspiration from Acreil.

You can fund my ventures and videos on Patreon:

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#62 2019-12-08 10:47:47 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Henry Birdseye Jr. …

This video is about my first experiment with Puredata to make pretty oscilloscope patterns. The code example is probably not as correct or as optimized as it should be, but I am happy to share what I've got below. The path to record the complex waves into Reaper is not perfect; I experienced very short dropouts during the record, so there's a buffer or some other issue I need to track down. I was juggling screen captures, camera recordings and voice records at the same time and ultimately managed to sync them all up here. I edited the recordings of scope audio in Reaper, then exported them to my Disting Mk3, and played them into the scope.

I've been recording oscilloscope patterns for years, using mainly complex voltage controlled oscillators like the E350 Morphing Terrarium see in the first part of Scope Crazy. Because the E350 has multiple outputs, it's trivial to send one output to the "X" input of my cheap used oscilloscope, and another output to the "Y." I have a low-frequency sine wave oscillator changing waveshape.

What got me going was Jerobeam Fenderson's website, rich with insights and code examples of how to wrangle sine waves into art. Further down that rabbit hole, Derek Holzer's book "Vector Synthesis," pulled me in a little more. Additional research showed me other methods and vector artists that inspired me.

Some links of full videos I reference in the video:

Jerobeam Fenderson - the video I showed - his extensive site of recorded examples and products - recorded sounds you can play into your scope, altho' compression might smear the displays a bit

Hainbach, uses a Vectrex video game from the 1980's, modified by fellow "vectorist" Derek Holzer - The video I referenced - His vector website

Derek Holzer is a leading vector synthesis artist, using projecting galvonometers. He teaches, too. - Referenced video from Vector Hack Festival 2018 Derek's website, where you can buy his book

Albert Novello is a collaborator of Derek's, and uses Vectrexes and projecting lasers - Referenced video - his website

If you want to experiment with this stuff, the good news is it's all free. Reaper will hit you up for a small amount, but it is, imho, superior to all other DAWs. Pure Data comes in a few different versions, I used version pd-0.50-2. Here are resources to get you started.
Reaper (by the way, Reaper was written by the guy who invented Winamp years ago)
Pure Data
You would also do well to check out

If you want to play with my imperfect .pd setup, message me.

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#63 2019-12-08 10:48:01 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

dynamo creates music from carefully controlled randomness using numbers to invent harmonies, melodies, rhythms

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#64 2019-12-09 08:55:12 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Live Coding Generative Art Performance

Performed on December 6th 2019
A segment of the performance for live coding PureData visuals to the music of Plïnkï Plønkï

Music: Pangur Din by Plïnkï Plønkï

Thanks to Jacob Shaw (Buss) for help with the recording of this event.

For the visuals alone see here:

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#65 2019-12-12 12:00:12 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

The ChordCrafter let's you play chords with the touch of button.

Built with a Teensy microcontroller and using pureData for audio synthesis.

Completed in B.Mus Tech at the Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium in Brisbane.

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#66 2019-12-15 09:06:31 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

À :
Objet : [PD] [PD-announce] Slice//Jockey for vanilla Pd

Several people asked for an update of project Slice//Jockey. It dates
from Pd-Extended times. SliceJockey3 finally works with vanilla Pd.
Find it here:

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#67 2019-12-17 10:21:01 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Une approche du patching audio collaboratif : enjeux et développement du collecticiel Kiwi.
par Eliott Paris
#these bravoalui

Les logiciels de patching audio traditionnels, tels que Max ou Pure Data, sont des environnements qui permettent de concevoir et d’exécuter des traitements sonores en temps réel. Ces logiciels sont mono-utilisateurs, or, dans bien des cas, les utilisateurs ont besoin de travailler en étroite collaboration à l’élaboration ou à l’exécution d’un même traitement. C’est notamment le cas dans un contexte pédagogique ainsi que pour la création musicale collective. Des solutions existent, mais ne conviennent pas forcément à tous les usages. Aussi avons-nous cherché à nous confronter de manière concrète à cette problématique en développant une nouvelle solution de patching audio collaborative, baptisée Kiwi, qui permet l’élaboration d’un même traitement sonore à plusieurs mains de manière distribuée. À travers une étude critique des solutions logicielles existantes nous donnons des clefs de compréhension pour appréhender la conception d’un système multi-utilisateur de ce type. Nous énonçons les principaux verrous que nous avons eu à lever pour rendre cette pratique viable et présentons la solution logicielle. Nous exposons les possibilités offertes par l’application et les choix de mise en œuvre techniques et ergonomiques que nous avons faits pour permettre à plusieurs personnes de coordonner leurs activités au sein d’un espace de travail mis en commun. Nous revenons ensuite sur différents cas d’utilisation de ce collecticiel dans un contexte pédagogique et de création musicale afin d’évaluer la solution proposée. Nous exposons enfin les développements plus récents et ouvrons sur les perspectives futures que cette application nous permet d’envisager.

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#68 2019-12-17 10:22:20 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Designing Virtual Soundscapes for Alzheimer's Disease Care
Frédéric Voisin

Sound environment is a prime source of conscious and unconscious information which allows listeners to place themselves, to communicate, to feel, to remember. The author describes the process of designing a new audio interactive apparatus for Alzheimer's care, in the context of an active multidisciplinary research project led by the author in collaboration with a longterm care centre (EHPAD) in Burgundy (France), a geriatrician, a gerontologist, psychologists and caregivers. The apparatus, named Madeleines Sonores in reference to Proust's madeleine, have provided virtual soundscapes sounding for a year for 14 elderly people hosted in the dedicated Alzheimer's unit of the care centre, 24/7. Empiric aspects of sonic interactivity are discussed in relation to dementia and to the activity of caring. Scientific studies are initiated to evaluate the benefits of such a disposal in Alzheimer's disease therapy and in caring dementia.

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#69 2019-12-22 18:40:43 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

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#70 2019-12-25 13:46:56 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AUTOMATONISM 3.0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    New function to send control messages to module parameters for easier integration with other PD patches


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#71 2020-01-02 12:31:51 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Circle Map
This patch generates circle map melodies with Euclidean rhythms. Circle map values are mapped onto a scale to generate musical notes.

Please see for a description of circle maps.

This patch also uses a "quantizer" modeled after Harmonaig Instruo eurorack module.  The Instruo module is a chord generating quantizer.

The Pure Data patch can be found at

The Hyperspektiv filter "geogaddi" produced the kaleidoscope effect.

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#72 2020-01-06 10:16:36 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

vstplugin~ v0.3.0  !!!!

vstplugin~ — Pd external
x86-64 (64bit):

i386 (32bit):
x86-64 (64bit):

NOTE: if the binaries don't work on your system, consider building from source.
x86-64 (64bit):


    better error messages when plugins fail to load (e.g. wrong CPU architecture)
    automatically scan VST3 presets

bug fixes

    fixed serveral bugs in the VST3 implementation

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#73 2020-01-06 22:51:53 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Lieu: Quimper
Date d'inscription: 2008-01-28
Messages: 1576
Site web

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Merci pour ce fil d'info sur pure data smile

Et automatonism 3.0 youhou !

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#74 2020-01-08 09:22:15 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

pure data generative composition with frequency domain filtering …

Merci Emoc

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#75 2020-01-08 09:23:56 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

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fil rss de cette discussion : rss

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