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#1 2014-06-12 12:56:56 Bruxelles 3 days Supercollider Workshops + Concerts @ OKNO & RECYCLART

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Date d'inscription: 2010-12-13
Messages: 2

Bruxelles 3 days Supercollider Workshops + Concerts @ OKNO & RECYCLART

In this workshop we will learn Supercollider from scratch.
We will also learn how to use supercollider as a live instrument (livecoding) , how to interface it with external softwares hardwares (openobject, Open Sound Control, Networking) we wil learn how to arrange and compose, using patterns , tasks, routines and algorithms.
This workshop is for all musicians interested in using supercollider or musicians who wish to understand common synthesis techniques. Advanced Supercollider users are also welcome to participate.
please come with your laptop and supercollider installed.
if you need help please send email (see below ) or join day 1 session 1 .

Day 1 (Session 1)

Afternoon 19th June 15h-17h SuperCollider Basics
tutor: Zorei + Exoterrism
price : Pay as you wish
-Choosing your IDE
-Installing Supercollider
-SuperCollider Introduction to language and server,
basic algorithms, Stochastic, Markov Chains,
-Basic Sound Synthesis (Spectral Model , Abstract Model)

(Session 2)
Evening 19th June 17h-20h Advanced Sound Synthesis and Live Coding
Tutor: Exoterrism + Zorei
price : Pay as you wish
-Pysical Model (Ruiz Strings, Karplus-Strong, Waveguide, ..)
-Processed Recording (Granular Synthesis, Wavetable synthesis, Wavelet T,Sampling ...)
-intro live coding: Tdef, Task, Routine, JitLib, ProxySpace, Ndef...

20:00 pm Live performances


Day 2 (session1)
Afternoon: 20th June 15h-17h Interactivity, Gui, and Interfaces(Practical)
Tutor: Insomniark + Exoterrism
price : Pay as you wish
-Interfacing with other hardwares softwares using Midi, OSC, Analog Synths, Midi Controllers,
-Graphical User interface
-Machine Listening , FFT
Bring your controllers or whatever you want.

Day 2 (session2)
Evening:20th June 17h-20h Patterns Tasks Routines (Practical)
Tutor: Exoterrism + Insomniark
price : Pay as you wish
Arrange your tracks, sequence, compose
Patterns, Tasks, Routines, and Demand Rate (complementary to day one)

20:00 pm Live performances


Day 3
Afternoon: 21st June (Time to be confirmed with participants )
Tutor: Zoreil + Exoterrism + Insomniark
price : Pay as you wish
Briefing of day 1 and day 2 for participants who wish to join day 3 and who missed day 1 and 2

Day 3
Afternoon: 21st June 15:00-18:00 (Time to be confirmed with participants )
tutor: Yota Morimoto
price: 15 euros
Chaos & complex systems.
Sonification as a source of control.
Explorative sound composition with Audification.
These may include writing SuperCollider classes.

20:00 pm Live performances


Day 4
Afternoon: 22st June (On demand)
tutor: Yota Morimoto
price: tbc
on demand



Yota Morimoto
Yota Morimoto is a japanese composer born in brazil, based in the netherlands. his works deal with the material reality of sound and explore unconventional approaches to generating and transmitting sonic matters, implementing models of noise, turbulence and abstract machines. he has presented works at festivals and conferences such as Gaudeamus Music Week, TodaysArtFestival, GOGBOT festival, NWEAMO [mexico], Transmediale [berlin], ISEA [ruhr, istanbul], makeart festival [poitier], EMUfest [rome], ICMC [belfast, perth], SMC [porto, barcelona] and SICMF [seoul].

Aurélien Munsch aka zorei aka aurem
Works in areas of radical computer music and improvised music. Exploring digital synthesis using various algorithmic, chaotic & stochastic strategies.
Various collaborations with Marinos Koutsomichalis, Miguel A. Garcia, Noish, Tokage, Ricardo DaSilva…
Founder of label Uzusounds.

Born in the south of France based in Brussels. Sound artist and programmer. Supercollider Nerd. Works as a pharmaceutical program tester.
He has performed 4 shows since 2014 and has already earned himself releases on different diy labels.
He has also performed in the first Algorave in Belgium (Antwerp).

Exoterrism is a chinese fugitif, ex-shaolin, triad of WanChai (Hong Kong). He's mainly manipulating Feng Shui, QiGong, Chaotic functions, and Algorithms to produce unstable phenomenons between dimensions.
His influences comes from radioactive frequencies, extra-sensorial perceptions, synaesthetics, post apocalyptic mayhem, the nasdaq stock market and the jungle.
Has performed and opened shows for:
Karkowski,John Wiese, Dj Bali, Julien Ottavi, Mutamassik,Steve Kasper, C-drik, Yan Jun, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Alex Mclean, Matt Yee-King, DJ Die Soon, Shelly Knotts, Robert Lippock. Runs label TTT with C_C , Terrificolor and Bryan O'Beast.


please specify which date and session you want to participate in advance.
15 euros or more (first 2 days pay as you wish) for 3 days workshop.
suggested 30 euros for 3 days.
In order to let all participants understand well and follow each workshop sessions independently we are limiting to maximum 10 students. So please reserve !

On reservation.
infoline: +32483045186

Hors ligne


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