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#136 2021-01-17 10:01:34 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

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#137 2021-01-17 10:03:45 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

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#138 2021-01-17 10:05:16 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

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#139 2021-02-15 12:17:30 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Pd-Analyzer is a command-line utility that reads a Pure Data file (a "patch") and produces output in CSV format listing the messages sent and received by the patch, the Pure Data objects used in the patch, the libraries required by the patch (provided there's a "declare -lib" for each library), and any arrays defined in the patch.

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#140 2021-03-18 07:31:40 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

nouvelle version de  LyonPotpourri 3.0.

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#141 2021-04-12 19:17:28 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Numeric keypad is a convenient controller for PersonaTrix, otherwise use qwerty keyboard or mouse. Numeric keypads come with various layouts. Button "keymap" gives a popup to select between conventional mappings for operator keys plus alternative mappings to qwerty keys in the absence of numkeypad. Note that key events are only received by the active program, in this case Pd. When focus is on another program, key presses will not have an effect for PersonaTrix. … l#download

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#142 2021-04-22 20:43:26 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

quoi Emoc vient de pondre un tutorial sur de la composition générative en Pure Data #oufdeouf !!!!

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#143 2021-05-27 09:51:07 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

pd2jack a shell application for running Pure Data patches as minimalist JACK clients, using LibPd. I.E., the patches run "headless" and without a GUI. However, parameters can be passed to the patch from the cmd line.

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#144 2021-06-15 11:33:00 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

PInstrument is a set of modules for audio synthesis built in Pure Data designed to run on a small touch screen. Specifically, the interface is designed to work on a 320x240 2.8 inch TFT Capacitive Touchscreen but it will work on any larger screen. The PInstrument is also designed to run on a low-power CPU like those in a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4. It was also designed with a 4in/8out DC-coupled interface to be used with a Eurorack synthesizer. As of 2021, Expert Sleepers produces both the ES-8 and ES-9 that will solve these purposes.

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#145 2021-06-20 19:07:30 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

I'm happy to announce the final release of [vstplugin~] v0.5.0 - a Pd
external to load VST plugins on Windows, macOS and Linux!

Binaries are available on Deken or can be downloaded here:

If possible, please report any issues at

Big thanks to all my beta testers!Here are the major new features:

* support for multiple input/output busses (VST3 only)

* [offline( method for better offline processing support

* Linux: allow to run 32-bit and 64-bit Windows plugins (via Wine)

* improve UI handling on all platforms

* [size( method to resize plugin UI (if supported)

* Linux: fix VST3 editor

* fix some race conditions (= better stability)

* fix broken transport methods for multi-threading

* fix bugs in VST3 preset reading/writing

* new '-x' (= exlude path) and '-t' (= timeout) flags for [search( method

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#146 2021-08-17 15:58:56 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

jyg /

Based on Automatonism V3.1 from
New features :

    Midi-mapping and Midi-learn features
    Camomile VST plugin and DAW integration with new objects [playhead] and [macro-control] to enable automation inside DAW
    Automatonism made as an abstaction lib : init a new project just by typing [automatonism] in a blank patch.
    The new preset and state saving system is based on new savestate object, where preset and state data are stored inside the main patch.
    The legacy file-based preset and state saving system is deprecated, but old savestate structure is automatically imported in new project.
    Ability to save different projects in the same folder with different filenames (no need to use main.pd as filename)
    Several patches can run simultaneously and independently ("local mode" in Preset-Manager)

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#147 2021-08-19 11:47:29 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

La librairie abclib : un ensemble de codes Faust
rassemblant 20 ans de recherche, enseignement et
création en musique mixte

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#148 2022-01-08 12:31:20 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

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#149 2022-01-28 17:47:30 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets


Pure Data plugin implementing Max-like key&mouse shortcuts.

Tested on pd vanilla 0.50 win x64.

Made possible by Monetus and Seb Shader from the Pd forum.

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#150 2022-03-01 18:13:08 Re : et pendant ce temps sur les internets

Date d'inscription: 2006-01-06
Messages: 354

Re: et pendant ce temps sur les internets

PipeWire is the future for Linux audio and I am sold on it … old-on-it/

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