Vous pouvez mettre à jour votre version de pure-data vers cette nouvelle version qui a vu pas mal de changements et d'améliorations.
http://puredata.info/downloads/pd-exten … ses/0.43.4
Il y a un début de traduction, l'interface pour commencer.
Il y a aussi un nouveau système de recherche d'objets selon des mots clés. C'est partiellement traduit là aussi.
citation :
Download here for all platforms (Debian, Mac OS X, Mint, Raspbian, Ubuntu,
Windows, and of course the source code):
http://puredata.info/downloads/pd-exten … ses/0.43.4
For Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/etc., you can add an apt source by following the
instructions at the top of the page here:
Here you can get a good overview in what has changed, so you know where to
find out more.
changes since 0.43.1
* search-plugin included by default
* improved audio performance on Mac and Windows, Mac now uses half the
CPU when idle (portaudio update)
* (Windows) full unicode support
* support full unicode MIDI device names (portmidi)
* many completed translations
* many bugfixes
changes since 0.42.5
== changes to the editor ==
* GUI Plugins! can customize a wide array of features of the editor
* Autotips in Edit Mode to get information about inlets, outlets, and objects
* Magic Glass to snoop on messages as they pass thru connections
* Search everything! Thanks to Jonathan Wilkes' search plugin, now included
by default
* full Unicode support throughout Pd (there are still some layout issues
with right-to-left alphabets and character-based languages)
* fully localizable GUI, with full translations for French, German, Japanese,
Italian, and Greek
* full interface translations with limited search translation for Catalan,
Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Danish, German, Hungarian, Korean,
Portuguese (Brazil), Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico)
* partial translations for: Russian, Turkish
* contribute to translations: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/puredata/
* paths are no longer saved in the preferences. Use the [path] or
[declare -path] objects, or use the standard global install locations
* complete Tcl/Tk 8.5 support and integration
* drastically improved Pd window logging/print performance (1000 lines/sec
and you can still patch)
* Ctrl-click/Cmd-click error messages in Pd window to find the object with
the error
* five log levels and dynamic filtering of Pd window log ('fatal, error,
normal, debug, all')
* library loading printed to Pd window at level 'debug' so the Pd window
is blank when Pd-extended starts
* hierarchical display of open subpatches/abstractions in Window menu:
http://puredata.info/dev/NextRelease/wi … rarchy.png
* generate complete Pd window log using 'File->Save As..' when on the
Pd window
* 'File->New' creates the new patch in the folder of the current patch
* 'File->Print' now prints the entire canvas rather than just the visible
part (thanks Trevor Fancher)
* 'File->Save As...', 'Edit->Copy', and 'Edit->Select All' now work on
the Pd window
* Ctrl/Cmd < and > cycle through open windows
* added Autopatch, Autotips, and Perf Mode control on the Edit menu
* improved handling of multiple monitors
* (GNU/Linux) realtime mode enabled by default (-rt)
* (GNU/Linux) window placement logic can be handled in plugin for better
support of many Window Managers (`pdtk_canvas_place_window`)
* (GNU/Linux and Mac OS X) [comport] no longer crashes Pd when open
USB-serial devices are unplugged
* (GNU/Linux and Windows) !TkDND drag-n-drop support for dropping files
onto Pd and patch windows
* (GNU/Linux and Windows) added Alt shortcuts to menus
* (GNU/Linux and Windows) Navigate menus with arrow keys
* (GNU/Linux and Windows) Pd window and patchses now have a Pd icon
when Alt-Tabbing
* (Windows) zip-only distro with pd-extended.bat to run without installing
== updates to the core ==
* updated to latest stable portaudio v19-20110326
* free methods always called on quit, so cameras, network sockets, etc.
are properly freed
* GUI objects no longer send pointless draw updates, reducing GUI load
* (Windows) external libraries can now include DLLs in a library folder
* [loadbang] has a convenience inlet
* sys_open() / sys_close() and sys_fopen() / sys_fclose() functions in
m_pd.h for full UTF-8 support in externals that use files
== updates to libraries and objects ==
* added all lowercase aliases to cyclone for Max/MSP >= 4.6 compatibility
* fix type-punned pointer issues in most externals so everything is built
using auto-vectorization optimization on all platforms
* [sys_gui] now outputs a bang when the command completes
* [canvas_name] can query based on inlet, using float as depth and symbol
for canvas name
* [tabplay~] can play up to 13.5 hour long tables accurately (up from 6 mins)
* (Windows) fixed 'unauthorized' GUI objects [playlist], [cooled~], etc.
== newly included libraries ==
* 'pdlua' for loading objects written in Lua like regular objects
* 'tclpd' for loading objects written in Tcl like regular objects
* 'log' library for logging to the Pd window at different levels
* 'iemguts' library for controlling abstractions and patches from Pd
* 'mediasettings' library for controlling the Audio/MIDI device preferences
* 'pduino' library for controlling Arduino boards via the Firmata protocol
* 'syslog' added IEM's object for logging to syslog (GNU/Linux and Mac OS X)
== removed libraries ==
* remove unsupported, unmaintained libraries: controctopus,
Externals-HOWTO, flashserver, flatspace, flib, gyre, keyboardkeys,
memento, memento-p, nqpoly4, nqpoly~, nusmuk, pixeltango,
puremeasurement, rradical, toxy
see: [http://puredata.info/docs/LibrariesInPdExtended
* pidip removed because of license conflicts
For more details, check the complete changelog, see the bottom of
the release page:
http://puredata.info/downloads/pd-exten … es/0.43.4/
More Details
* the Mac OS X PowerPC builds are a bit out of date because the
PowerPC build machine died at the end of December. We're trying
to get it back up so we can have up-to-date Mac OS X PowerPC builds!
* the Raspbian build is barely tested, please try it and report back
so we can improve things on Raspbian.
Hors ligne