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Post Digital Art -- Third International Computer Art Congress (CAC.3)
November 26-28, 2012 @ Le Centquatre, Paris, France
CAC.3 invites artists, intellectuals, engineers and scientists to share
their imaginations, creations, inventions and visions on post digital art.
Call for papers, art, installations and workshops
We encourage researchers, artists, engineers and thought leaders to
present a paper on subjects including - but not limited to: Algorithmic
Art, ASCII Art, Bio Art, Computer Graphics, Connected Creation, Computer
Music, Demo-Scene, Digital Illustration and Paintings, Education,
Fractal and Generative Art or Music, Interactive and Media Art, Motion
Graphics, Sound Visualization, Software Art, Internet Art, Tradigital
Art, Video Games,..
We invite artists of all professions to present art-pieces, performances
and installations during the congress.
Details to answer the CFP can be found at
Deadline for submissions: June 4th, 2012
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