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#1 2011-12-24 17:23:13 vvvv_45beta27

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web


Joyeux Noël big_smile

"stability and performance release" qu'ils disent:


-vvvv now requires .net4.0 and msvc++ 2010 runtime components (as reported in crack.exe)
-crack runs without that annoying sound
-simpler directory structure for vvvv:
-performance tuning on basic graph evaluation strategies and gui
-patches now can be disabled by setting the Evaluate) avaible on each patch to zero. by default this guy is only visible in the inspector, but it is an input that you can make visible in the patch and use it to dynamically disable patches.
-worked on device handling, removed quite some bugs popping up in texture feedback situations
while texture feedbacks still work with Queue (EX9.Texture) we recommend to use the new node FrameDelay (EX9.Texture) to do the feedback. At some point in the future we might not allow shortcut without a framedelay anylonger. Only with the FrameDelay nodes a clear cut between frames is possible
-reworked a lot of helppatches
-all assets (images, xfiles,..) shipping with vvvv are now in \lib\assets
-fixed issue introduced with beta26 that uncaught exceptions popped up in error dialog
-exceptions thrown during render pass will be shown in ExceptionDialog if enabled
-fixed some boygrouping issues
-fixed issue where dynamic plugins wouldn't get reloaded after recompile
-textures created by plugins now work in texture buffer nodes, like Buffer (EX9.Texture) or new FrameDelay (EX9.Texture)
-times where errors could result in a major system hang - where you need to log out and all that - shouldn't occur anylonger.
-singleton bug fix: couldn't replace Mouse (System Global) with Mouse (System Window). resulted in both nodes on top of each other.
-dynamic textures and meshes don't spam the  Renderer (TTY) anylonger

-when creating an iobox via middleclick (while making a connection) linkpoints are now kept.
-fixed two occasions where finder would collapse
-last visible window can now not be boxed/hidden
-now when canceling OpenPatch from the QuitOptionsDialog the dialog pops up again
-effect editor didn't show all errors from effect compiler in some cases
-dynamic nodes (fx/c#) should turn red if code contains syntax errors
-fixed issue that nodes wouldn't even show up as a "red missing" node if error occured during node creation
-gui performance tuning. visible patches shouldn't be that bad any longer...
-debug mode shows timings now in microseconds. was in 0.1 milliseconds before.
-in NodeBrowser the sorting of nodes is now back to normal
-OpenInPatch now places node correctly even when patch is scrolled
-CodeEditor no longers zooms in when writing a } on frensh keyboards
-pressing F1 on CodeEditor now opens related wikipage

fixed nodes
-Mouse (System Global) is no singleton anylonger
-TCP (Network Server) now copes with nil inputs
-Switch (Color Output) now spreads correctly
-CreateNode (VVVV) can now create patches in same dir as its parent
-WavePlayer (DShow9) now closes filehandles to files it attempts but fails to read
-Text (EX9) didn't cleanup properly after a device was destroyed. note however that this does not address the issue posted here: memoryleak-in-text-(ex9)-plugin
-disabling/enabling should not lead to a frame rate drop anymore
-size output fixed
-GetSlice (Spreads) bug fix: getslice-bug
-Queue (EX9.Texture) should do again...
-Buffer (EX9.Texture) should do again...: video-mem-recorder-texture-buffer-bug
-primitve layer nodes like Quad (DX9) should use 16bit indexbuffers again when graphics card can't cope with 32 bit. should fix issues on computers like netbooks.
-SharedMemory (DShow9) not supposed to crash anymore when changing size of source
-Info (Enumerations) memleak fixed
-Intersect (EX9.Geometry Mesh Ray Legacy) has ray orientation on x-axis again

changed nodes
-Renderer (EX9) has new default 'AsDesktop' for Fullscreen Dimensions, it sets the fullscreen resolution automatically to the size of the desktop on which the renderer window is. Also it's now supposed not t flicker white when going fullscreen
-Text (EX9) added pins to control font caching and preloading behaviour
-GetPatch (VVVV) now comes with a pin "Patch Changes" displaying the message - a XML snippet - that was last sent to a patch.
-IOBox (String) now allows copying binary strings on dblclick

new nodes
-a set of nodes to handle SVG graphics
-Framedelay (EX9.Texture) added. the new standard way of doing texture feedbacks.
-OnResume (VVVV) added. it bangs on reactivation of patch evaluation...
-Camera (Transform Softimage) got a performance tune. keyboard only reacts when a dx rendeer is active

-new property ParentNode in IPin and INode for easier graph traversal in plugins
-new method INodeIn.SetConnectionHandler to control whether or not pins of custom type can connect.

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#2 2012-02-21 10:33:10 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web

Re: vvvv_45beta27

Petite update en attendant la 28 big_smile


-no longer needs .net3.5SP1 installed to run, .net4 is enough
-no more troubles with "missing" nodes with plugins actually present
-if exception dialog is visible mainloop of vvvv will be stopped

fixed nodes
-CreateNode and GetPatch failed in b27
-MonitorPower (System) works again
-VideoIn (DShow9) got a problem fixed with switching between 2 drivers
-FileStream2 (DShow9) failed to run on some systems
-Finally (VVVV) now works as advertised
-Random (Value) in integermode didn't equally distribute random values
-Undistort (DShow9 OpenCV) got its Rows/Columns inputs fixed
-Substitute (Spreads) was broken if patch contained a Sift (Value) node
-Database (MySQL Network) works again
-Mesh (EX9.Geometry Join) and VertexBuffer (EX9.Geometry Join) now dont evaluate upstream graphs when --apply = false and therefore are very fast in those cases. S+H and Switch tricks not needed anylonger.
-LinearFilter (Animation): fixed a bug: spread->-linearfilter-does-not-filter-linearly
-Renderer (Flash): fixed bug: which-flash-player-version
-Automata (Logic): fixed bug: automata-state-pin-problem
-Quad (SVG): fixed corner radius bug: renderer-(svg)-quad-(svg)-corner-radius

changed nodes
-added Scratching output to Timeliner that reports when the timebar is being draged
-VideoTexture (EX9.Texture): added an adapter pin, that allows you to specify on which adapter the texture should run.

new nodes
-DeleteSlice, deletes slices of a spread at the given index

-new interface IStartable, which can be used to run some initialization code when vvvv starts up / shuts down or plugin assembly gets loaded
-ISpread<Quaternion> and ISpread<Color4> from SlimDX can now be imported by a plugin
-in some circumstance IPluginDXResource.UpdateResource was called multiple times per device. this happended for example if a Renderer and an Info node were connected downstream.

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#3 2012-05-08 19:48:50 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web

Re: vvvv_45beta27

une update "stable",

en attendant la beta28 (patience) qui devrait apporter sont lot de nouveautés:

"28 will include all the funny stuff : nodegrouping, videosync, webrenderer, picturestackplayer, manual-validation-for-plugins, streams, middle-click-on-vector/color-pins,kontrolleur-stuff and some more (still to be announced (soon))" big_smile

en attendant c'est par là:


-when using modules as QuickNodes they no longer show their patch
-DoQuit (VVVV) can now take an ExitCode which vvvv returns on the commandline
-fixed: patch-xml-attributes-rearranged which will come handy for version-controlling patches
-re-introduced codecompletion for .fx (can still be removed by deleting \lib\hlsl.fnr)
-fixed redraw-errors in categoryview and modules drag-dropped on a patch no longer open as patch
when opened in standalone mode (ctrl+n) it only showed 20 lines
-fixed some pin-connection-troubles that allowed double-links or failed to disconnect links in some cases
-fixed nodelist.xml: native nodes were missing in 27.1
-renaming an iobox shouldn't mess up links in other patches anylonger.
-small debug mode fix: forum-alpha/a27.2-debug-mode-bug
-bug fixes in the core concerning the information if a pin has changed.

fixed nodes
-Sort (String) bug as reported here: sort-(string)-outputs-only-text
-VertexBuffer (Join) bug as reported here: vertex-buffer-bug-or-not-bug
-GetSlice returned not empty output bin size when fed with nil. See posible-bug-in-getslice
-Timeliner (Animation) now imports midi-files correctly and saves keyframes moved via states, as reported here: timeliner-saving-issues
-Renderer (GDI) validates its view-matrix correctly again
-Styx (Windows) node didn't clean up properly after being destroyed
AsString (SVG) outputs the strings according to the input slices now

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#4 2012-06-14 18:05:53 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Ars Robota
Date d'inscription: 2008-03-23
Messages: 191

Re: vvvv_45beta27

Salut Desax,
Je viens de tester la v27.2 et je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner les nodes DShow comme Audio In ou FFT 4Channels (le pin AudioInDevice apparaît rouge).
Aurais-tu connaissance de bugs de ce type ou de matériel incompatible avec les dernières versions de v4?


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#5 2012-06-15 14:16:59 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web

Re: vvvv_45beta27

salut ARS,
alors jamais vu ou entendu parlé de ce bug.
As-tu essayé de lancer le crack et fait un unregister au niveau des directshow filters pour les anciennes versions et ensuite(re)register avec la 27.2?

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#6 2012-06-15 15:40:14 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Ars Robota
Date d'inscription: 2008-03-23
Messages: 191

Re: vvvv_45beta27

Salut, et merci de prendre le temps de me répondre.

Oui, j'ai fait un unregister pour nettoyer tout le bastringue mais ça n'a rien changé. Du coup, j'avais réinstallé la version 26 mais ça n'y faisait rien.
En fait, c'est pas le premier bug que je rencontre avec cette nouvelle mouture de v4: les modules fraîchement ajoutés n'apparaissent qu'après avoir ouvert leur help file (?!?)
Bref je suis assez perplexe quant à la refonte du logiciel, à moins que cela ne vienne de ma machine (portable Acer, Win7 64bits)...

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#7 2012-06-17 16:02:14 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web

Re: vvvv_45beta27


As-tu bien spécifié le chemin de tes modules via le root,
vers un folder avec toutes tes contributions perso+vvvvorum?

ce système est nouveau depuis la 26 et permet de centraliser les chemins vers tous les modules externes.

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#8 2012-06-18 21:41:00 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Ars Robota
Date d'inscription: 2008-03-23
Messages: 191

Re: vvvv_45beta27

Ca ne me dis rien, j'ai dû zappé cette manip... Comment fait-on ça?

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#9 2012-06-18 21:57:06 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web

Re: vvvv_45beta27

alt+R (show root)
ne pas oublier de sauvegarder. puis redémarrage pour que ce soit effectif.

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#10 2012-06-19 19:13:51 Re : vvvv_45beta27

Ars Robota
Date d'inscription: 2008-03-23
Messages: 191

Re: vvvv_45beta27

Sweeeet! Merci du tuyau, je connaissais pas du tout! Tu me sauves la vie mister!

Reste plus qu'à régler ce problème de son...


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