aprés 1 an sans trop de nouvellles voici qu'arrive la 0.4.4 !!
copie de l'annonce officielle par Georg :
"i all,
I would like to inform you that a release candidate for
the upcoming 0.4.4 release is now online [1].
So far we have the source distribution only, a windows
binary will be done later.
If no issues come up until then, we will probably release
next week.
It would help a lot if some of you could try this version.
We are interested in all kinds of problems you encounter.
For convenience, here are the major changes since 0.4.3:
* improved GUI (using Qt 4.x)
* improved Mac OS X support
* new midi modules
* frei0r 1.1 support
* video jack support
en bref que du bon!!
pas de binaires pour l'instant (mais la compilation sous dapper se fait sans aucun problèmes), et d'aprés Georg cela ne defrait pas tarder (les binaires)...
Hors ligne