Annonce avec un peu de retard
-A noter l'integration des VSTs, et un Undo qui semble refonctionner...Youppiiiie !!!
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telecharger vvvv_40beta17
* some Undo bug removed
* ID pins don't return NIL anymore
* better Boygroup debugging tools (check the Boygroup nodes)
* boygroup server now takes optional broadcast IP on the commandline after the /server switch (else broadcasts on default network adapter)
* convverter (diff.xml) can convert nodes (and patches) with inputs and outputs having the same name
* you can now find the nodelist.xml file in \bin which holds a specification of all nodes in the current release (still missing: plugins, modules, freeframes, effects)
* new commandline argument: "/shutup" will disable all shortcuts (but Alt-F4) and won't let patches nor inspectors show up
* vvvv now supports VST effects and instruments within sound graphs
plugin interface
* plugins may now implement IDisposable to be notified when the plugins node is being destroyed
* plugins may now use the Log() function to write directly to vvvvs console, ie. Renderer (TTY) at any time
* plugin-pins have a new property: IsConnected
new nodes
* Copy (String) returns substrings containing Count characters starting at Index
* DMX (Devices ecue Texture) sends textures to ecue devices according to an ecue-patch-file
* DMX (Devices ecue Butler) sends DMX values to ecue Butler devices
* eNet (Devices ecue Info) shows ecue devices that are visible in the local network
changed nodes
* WavePlayer (DShow9) can now output to multichannel soundcards
* Writer (EX9.Texture) now creates a specified directory if it doesn't exist.
* DoQuit (VVVV) now has a QuerySave input
* UDP (Network Server) now has a BufferSize input
* Boygroup (Server) now has a MaxUDPSize input
* VideoIn (DShow9) now has TriggerMode and Trigger inputs
* Attractor nodes throughput Input to Output when no attractor is specified
* Switch (Node) should be much faster
fixed nodes
* OSCDecoder (Network) fixed OnReceive output and fix with nil inputs
* SharedMemory (DShow9 TransformInPlace): now accepts more videosubtypes and no longer crashes if reader of memorylocation was there first
* VideoOut (DShow9 SharedMemory) no longer crashes if reader of memorylocation was there first
* Homography (Transform 2d) and GaussJordan (Value): memory leak in equation solver
* Intersect nodes: don't report a false intersection anymore, if no inverse of the world matrix exists
* VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9 YUVMixing) no longer flickers
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