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#1 2009-04-16 18:03:28 vvvv_40beta21

Date d'inscription: 2008-02-26
Messages: 243
Site web


Bonjour a tous,

Par ici la derniere release>  vvvv_40beta21
+ l'addon pack >  addonpack_vvvv40beta21



S+H & switches optimized for unused inputs. you now can better profile your patches.
tabbed patches no longer utilize CPU + further speed improvements in large setups with multiple tabbed patches
new commandline argument: /dontregister: probihibts registration of addflow, directshowfilter and .v4p filetype
freeframes finally work again without .net2 installed
resize windows proportionally by pressing CTRL while resizing one of its sides
Effects Transform Parameters can now deal with arrays + a little fix for initialized Value arrays (as e.g. with VertexNoise effect)
a disabled windowborder can now be saved (via parent-patch only!)
no more nasty desktop-reload-flash on vvvv startup

new nodes

WithinView, WithinProjection, WithinNormaizedProjection, WithinViewport (Transform) for more or less camera and render independent 3d layers
Billboard (Transform) for 3d layers always facing the viewer
OneSided (Transform) e.g. for always readable text
Compare (String) a case-insensitive comparison between two supplied strings.
HID (Devices), HIDDecode (Devices) and HIDEncode (Devices) should make it possible to send/receive data from HID Devices.
eNet (Devices ecue Config) sets the Nic IP the ecue nodes should bind to
Verlet (Spreads Simple) calculates a simple verlet integration chain (translation of c# code originally written by milo)
Info (Enumerations) returns all Enums with Defaults and all their Entries.

fixed nodes

Ping (Network) now deals with hostnames and ips
Select (MySQL) no longer has random dropouts when queried every frame
XPath (XML) should be faster in some cases, and it shouldn't loose memory anymore
VideoIn no longer BSODs with logitech qc pro 9000 (could also be relevant for other cams that had this problem)
Renderer (HTML URL) rewritten. no longer pops up javascript errors. now has an additional WindowHandle output useful if you need to send windowmessages (like mouseclicks) to the webbrowser.
Separate (String) no longer freezes with large spreadcounts
Expr (Value) evaluates expressions consisting of only one variable correctly now.
Changed flag is correctly propagated through io (node) nodes

changed nodes

MidiController (Devices), MidiController (Devices Relative) and MidiNote (Devices) do not output all combinations of midi channel and controller number anymore.
Box, Cylinder, Grid, Sphere, Text & Torus (EX9.Geometry) mesh creator nodes are spreadable now
Tokenizer (String) now can deal with separators that consist of more than one character
Keyboard (System Global) has a new pin called Buffered Keyboard Output
Added 4th blend weight and 4 blend indices to VertexBuffer (EX9.Geometry Split).
Expr (Value) uses new expression parser from JEDI code library.
(+) Much faster evaluation (about 10 times faster than old Expr node and about 40% faster than equivalent vvvv patch -> at least for tested expression 'sqrt(sqr(a)+sqr(b))').
(-) Not as many operators available as before. Of course equivalent functions for missing operators were added.
GlyphInfo (String) has a new output: Position that returns relative positions for all characters in the given string

new modules

Multiscreen (EX9) and MultiViewport (EX9)
Damper (Animation Jump)
Decompose (Transfom Vector)
NoSymTex (Transform)
TextureScale (Transform)
Grid (EX9 Test)

changed modules

Sprite (DX9) now respects Aspect Ratio of Texture
fixed ScreenNumber (EX9)


now support Enum in- and outputs and Mesh and Layer outputs
new Text (EX9) plugin
new ColladaFile (EX9.Geometry) + Mesh (EX9.Geometry Collada) plugins

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